Preprints 1995
- On quasiperiodic Perturbations of Elliptic Equilibrium Points
Àngel Jorba,
Carles Simó
Abstract (ASCII file),
gzipped PostScript (126 Kb),
zipped version (129 Kb).
- Effective Reducibility of Quasiperiodic Linear Equations
Close to Constant Coefficients
Àngel Jorba,
Rafael Ramírez
Jordi Villanueva
Abstract (ASCII file),
gzipped PostScript (55 Kb),
zipped version (56 Kb).
- Nonlinear Dynamics in an Extended Neighbourhood of the
Translunar Equilibrium Point
Àngel Jorba,
Josep Masdemont,
Abstract (ASCII file)
gzipped PostScript (219 Kb),
zipped version (224 Kb).
- Lindstedt Series for Lower Dimensional Tori
Àngel Jorba,
Rafael de la Llave,
Maorong Zou
Abstract (ASCII file),
gzipped PostScript (75 Kb),
zipped version (77 Kb).
- Effective Stability Around Periodic Orbits of the Spatial RTBP
Àngel Jorba,
Jordi Villanueva
Abstract (ASCII file),
gzipped PostScript (35 Kb),
zipped version (36 Kb).
- Existencia de Soluciones Cuasiperiódicas
en un Problema Restringido de Cuatro Cuerpos
Àngel Jorba,
Jordi Villanueva
Abstract (ASCII file),
gzipped PostScript (21 Kb),
zipped version (21 Kb).
- Effective stability and KAM theory
Amadeu Delshams,
Pere Gutiérrez
Journal of Differential Equations 128 (1996), pp. 415-490.
Abstract (ASCII file),
gzipped PostScript (209 Kb),
zipped version (214 Kb).
- Poincare-Melnikov-Arnold method for analytic planar maps
Amadeu Delshams,
Rafael Ramírez
Nonlinearity 9 (1996), pp. 1-26.
Abstract (ASCII file),
gzipped PostScript (138 Kb),
zipped version (141 Kb).
- On Birkhoff's conjecture about convex billiards
Amadeu Delshams,
Rafael Ramírez
Proceedings of the 2nd Catalan Days on Applied Mathematics,
M. Sofonea and J.-N. Corvellec (ed).
Presses univ. de Perpignan, Perpignan, France (1995), pp. 85-94.
Abstract (ASCII file),
gzipped PostScript (56 Kb),
zipped version (57 Kb).
- Exponentially small estimates for KAM theorem
near an elliptic equilibrium point
Amadeu Delshams,
Pere Gutiérrez
Final version: 1997, n. 17
- Effective Stability in Reversible Systems
Amadeu Delshams,
José Tomás Lázaro
Final version: 1997, n. 18
- Psi-Series of Quadratic Systems on the Plane
Arnau Mir,
Amadeu Delshams
Final version: 1997, n. 19
- Bifurcation at Complex Instability
Mercè Ollé,
Daniel Pfenniger
Abstract (ASCII file),
gzipped PostScript (249 Kb),
zipped version (255 Kb).
- The Use of Time as a Complex Variable
Carles Simó
Abstract (ASCII file),
gzipped PostScript (67 Kb),
zipped version (68 Kb).
- A Numerical Study of the Break Down of Invariant Tori
in 4D Symplectic Maps
Àlex Haro,
Carles Simó
Abstract (ASCII file),
gzipped PostScript (821 Kb),
zipped version (840 Kb).
- Non Integrability Criteria for Hamiltonians in the Case
of Lame Normal Variational Equations
Juan J. Morales,
Carles Simó
Abstract (ASCII file),
gzipped PostScript (without figures) (73 Kb),
Figures (in gzipped PostScript) (573 Kb),
zipped version (661 Kb).
The theory of polynomial-like mappings -- The importance of quadratic
Núria Fagella
In "Proceedings of the 7th EWM meeting", Madrid 1995,
Ed. Bodil Branner and Núria Fagella, pp 57-70.
Abstract (ASCII file), gzipped
PostScript (785 Kb) (25477 Kb uncompressed),
You can also download the whole Proceedings from the
EWM home page.
Limiting dynamics of the complex standard family
Núria Fagella
Int. J. of Bif. and Chaos, Vol 3 (1995), pp 673-700.
Abstract (ASCII file), gzipped
PostScript (888 Kb) (5496 Kb uncompressed).
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