Preprints 1996
- On the persistence of lower dimensional invariant tori
under quasiperiodic perturbations
Àngel Jorba,
Jordi Villanueva
Journal of Nonlinear Science 7, pp. 427-473 (1997).
This is the preprint version:
Abstract (ASCII file),
gzipped PostScript (165 Kb),
zipped version (140 Kb).
- Exponentially small splitting of separatrices
under fast quasiperiodic forcing
Amadeu Delshams,
Vassili Gelfreich,
Àngel Jorba,
Tere M.Seara
Final version: see 1997, n. 3.
- Splitting of separatrices for (fast) quasiperiodic forcing
Amadeu Delshams,
Vassili Gelfreich,
Àngel Jorba,
Tere M.Seara
C. Simó, editor, Hamiltonian Systems with Three or More Degrees of
Freedom, volume 533 of NATO Adv. Sci. Inst. Ser. C Math. Phys. Sci.,
pp. 367-371. Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1999
Abstract (ASCII file),
gzipped PostScript (42 Kb),
zipped version (42 Kb).
- Estimates on invariant tori near an elliptic equilibrium point of a Hamiltonian system
Amadeu Delshams,
Pere Gutiérrez
J. Differential Equations 131, pp. 277-303 (1996).
Abstract (ASCII file),
gzipped PostScript (92 Kb),
zipped version (94 Kb).
- Melnikov potential for exact symplectic maps
Amadeu Delshams,
Final version: 1997, n. 20
- Lower and upper bounds for the splitting of separatrices
of the pendulum under a fast quasiperiodic forcing
Amadeu Delshams,
Vassili Gelfreich,
Àngel Jorba,
Tere M.Seara
Final version: see 1997, n. 4.
- Psi-Series, Singularities of Solutions and Integrability of
Polynomial Systems
Arnau Mir,
Amadeu Delshams,
C. Simó, editor, Hamiltonian Systems with Three or More Degrees of
Freedom, volume 533 of NATO Adv. Sci. Inst. Ser. C Math. Phys. Sci., pp.
504-508. Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1999.
Abstract (ASCII file),
gzipped PostScript (29 Kb),
zipped version (30 Kb).
- Splitting of separatrices in Hamiltonian systems with
one and a half degrees of freedom
Amadeu Delshams,
Tere M.Seara
Final version: 1997, n. 21
- On the Normal Behaviour of Partially Elliptic Lower Dimensional
Tori of Hamiltonian Systems
Àngel Jorba,
Jordi Villanueva
Nonlinearity 10, pp. 783-822 (1997).
This is the preprint version:
Abstract (ASCII file),
gzipped PostScript (247 Kb),
zipped version (253 Kb),
LaTex 2.09, gzipped(45 Kb)
- Psi-Series of Quadratic Vector Fields on the Plane
Amadeu Delshams,
Arnau Mir
Final version: see 1997, n. 5.
Renormalization of complex polynomials
Núria Fagella
In "Renormalizations, Proceedings of a workshop", IHP 1996,
Ed. Sylvie Payscha, pp 40-51..
Abstract (ASCII file), gzipped
PostScript (503 Kb) (13083 Kb uncompressed),
Homeomorphisms between limbs of the Mandelbrot set
Núria Fagella
Preprint (1996).
To appear in Journal of Geometric Analysis.
Abstract (ASCII file), gzipped
PostScript (1770 Kb) (35246 Kb uncompressed),
Homoclinic orbits in the complex domain
V. F.Lazutkin, C. Simó
Int. J. on Bifurcation & Chaos, 7, 1997, 253-274
This is the preprint version:
Abstract (ASCII file),
gzipped PostScript (9215 Kb),
zipped version (9527 Kb)
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