Preprints 2002
- Krylov methods and test functions for detecting bifurcations in one
parameter-dependent partial differential equations
Bosco García-Archilla, Juan Sánchez and Carles Simó.
Abstract (ASCII file),
gzipped PostScript (436 Kb),
zipped version (436 Kb).
(Jan 1 2002)
- Phase space structure of multidimensional systems by means
of the Mean Exponential Growth factor of Nearby Orbits (MEGNO)
Pablo M. Cincotta, Claudia M. Giordano and Carles Simó.
Abstract (ASCII file),
gzipped PostScript (5268 Kb),
zipped version (5352 Kb).
(Jan 25 2002)
- Preliminary study on the translunar Halo orbits of the real Earth-Moon system
Miquel Àngel Andreu.
Abstract (ASCII file),
gzipped PostScript (1624 Kb),
zipped version (1624 Kb).
(Jan 25 2002)
- Reducibility of linear equations with quasi-periodic coefficients. A survey
Joaquim Puig.
Abstract (ASCII file),
Pdf (1200 Kb),
gzipped PostScript (508 Kb).
(May 24 2002)
- Solar system models with a selected set of frequencies
Gerard Gómez, Josep Masdemont and Josep Maria Mondelo.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 390(2): 733--749, 2002
Abstract (ASCII file),
Pdf (472 Kb).
(Apr 26 2002)
- Three dimensional p-q resonant orbits close to second species solutions
Esther Barrabés and Gerard Gómez.
To appear in Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy.
Abstract (ASCII file),
gzipped PostScript (168 Kb),
zipped version (172 Kb).
(May 8 2002)
- Geometric and statistical properties induced by separatrix crossings in
volume-preserving systems
Anatoly Neishtadt, Carles Simó and Alexei Vasiliev.
Abstract (ASCII file),
gzipped PostScript (1036 Kb),
zipped version (1060 Kb).
(Jun 4 2002)
- Random versus deterministic exponents in a rich family
of diffeomorphisms
François Ledrappier, Michael Shub, Carles Simó
and Amie Wilkinson
Abstract (ASCII file),
gzipped PostScript (2508 Kb),
zipped version (2509 Kb).
(Oct 16 2002)
- Computer Assisted Studies in Dynamical Systems
Carles Simó
Abstract (ASCII file),
gzipped PostScript (69 Kb),
zipped version (70 Kb).
(Oct 16 2002)
- Resonance tongues and instability pockets in the
quasi-periodic Hill-Schrödinger equation
Henk Broer, Joaquim Puig and Carles Simó
Abstract (ASCII file),
gzipped PostScript (172 Kb),
zipped version (173 Kb).
(Oct 16 2002)
- Some models for the Trojan motion
Frederic Gabern and Àngel Jorba.
Abstract (ASCII file),
gzipped PostScript (624 Kb),
zipped version (625 Kb).
(Dec 17 2002)
- On the dynamics near the Lagrangian points of the real
Earth-Moon system
Enric Castellà and Àngel Jorba.
Abstract (ASCII file),
gzipped PostScript (290 Kb),
zipped version (291 Kb).
(Dec 17 2002)
- Restricted four and five-body problems in the Solar system
Frederic Gabern and Àngel Jorba.
Abstract (ASCII file),
gzipped PostScript (240 Kb),
zipped version (240 Kb).
(Dec 17 2002)
- Spatial p-q Resonant Orbits of the RTBP
E. Barrabés and G. Gómez
Appeared in Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy 84, 387-407, 2002.
Abstract (ASCII file),
PDF version (184 KB).
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Last updated: Wed Oct 16 10:20:37 MEST 2002