Preprints 2007
- Slides of the lectures Properties of Low Dimensional Dynamical Systems in the Large, given at Wolfgang Pauli Institute, Vienna.
(Jan 8-12, 2007)
Carles Simó
Abstract (ASCII file),
Gzipped PS version (19 MB).
(January 2007)
One dimensional invariant manifolds of Gevrey type in real-analytic maps
Inmaculada Baldomá and Àlex Haro
Abstract (ASCII file),
PDF version (301 KB).
(May 2007)
Attractors for return maps near homoclinic tangencies
of three-dimensional dissipative diffeomorphisms
Antonio Pumariño and Joan Carles Tatjer
Abstract (ASCII file),
PDF version (9.5 MB).
Gzipped PS version (8.9 MB).
(June 2007)
Analytic smoothing of geometric maps with applications to KAM theory
Alejandra González-Enríquez and Rafael de la Llave
Abstract (ASCII file),
PDF version (630 KB).
(June 2007)
Hopf-saddle-node bifurcation for fixed points of 3D-diffeomorphisms: analysis of a resonance 'bubble'
Henk Broer, Carles Simó and Renato Vitolo
Abstract (ASCII file),
Gzipped PS version (1.8 MB).
(July 2007)
The Hopf-saddle-node bifurcation for fixed points of 3D-diffeomorphisms: the Arnol'd resonance web
Henk Broer, Carles Simó and Renato Vitolo
Abstract (ASCII file),
Gzipped PS version (3.1 MB).
(July 2007)
On strange attractors in a class of pinched skew products
Àlex Haro
Abstract (ASCII file),
PDF version (211 KB).
(July 2007)
Taylor method for the integration of ODE
Lectures given at the LTI07 Advanced School on Long Time Integrations
Carles Simó
Abstract (ASCII file),
Gzipped PS version (6.8 MB).
(September 2007)
Studies in Dynamics: From local to Global aspects
Lecture given at the opening of the 2007-2008 course in the
Societat Catalana de Matematiques, Barcelona 071019
Carles Simó
Abstract (ASCII file),
Gzipped PS version (4.0 MB).
(October 2007)
Station keeping close to unstable equilibrium points
with a solar sail
Ariadna Farrés,
Àngel Jorba
Abstract (ASCII file),
PDF version (808 KB).
(October 2007)
Solar sail surfing along families of equilibrium points
Ariadna Farrés,
Àngel Jorba
Abstract (ASCII file),
PDF version (300 KB).
(October 2007)
A dynamical systems approach for the station keeping
of a Solar Sail
Ariadna Farrés,
Àngel Jorba
Abstract (ASCII file),
PDF version (10 MB).
(December 2007)
Towards a global study of Area Preserving Maps.
Examples, Models and Applications
Slides of talks given at the workshops Chaos and Ergodicity of Realistic
Hamiltonian Systems Centre de recherches mathematiques, Montreal and
Workshop on Mathematical Aspects of Celestial Mechanics IHP and Observatoire
de Paris, Paris
Carles Simó, Arturo Vieiro
Abstract (ASCII file),
Gzipped PS version (10 MB).
(December 2007)
Thomson's Heptagon: a case of bifurcation at infinity
Stefanella Boatto, Carles Simó
Abstract (ASCII file),
PDF version (269 KB).
(December 2007)
The positive entropy kernel for some families of trees
Esther Barrabés, David Juher
Appeared in Nonlinearity, 20 (8), pp 1955-1967,
Abstract (ASCII file),
PDF version (215 KB).
(May 2007)
J2 effect and elliptic inclined periodic orbits in the collision restricted three-body problem
Esther Barrabés, Josep M. Cors, Conxita Pinyol, Jaume Soler
Appeared in SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, 7 (1), pp 1-17,
Abstract (ASCII file),
PDF version (1.1MB).
The parameterization method for one-dimensional invariant manifolds of higher dimensional parabolic fixed points
Immaculada Baldomà, Ernest Fontich, Rafael de la Llave and Pau Martin
Abstract (ASCII file),
PDF version (374KB).
Asymptotic behaviour of the stability parameter for a family of singular-limit Hill's equation
Regina Martínez and Anna Samà
Appeared in J. Differential Equations, 245 (2008) 3869-3897
Abstract (ASCII file),
PDF version (5.4MB).
(December 2007)
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