TITLE: Numerical continuation of families of homoclinic connections of periodic orbits in the RTBP AUTHORS: Esther Barrabes, Josep M. Mondelo, Merce Olle E-mails: barrabes@ima.udg.edu, jmm@mat.uab.cat, merce.olle@upc.edu ABSTRACT: The goal of this paper is the numerical computation and continuation of families of homoclinic connections of the Lyapunov families of periodic orbits (p.o.) associated with the collinear equilibrium points, $L_1$, $L_2$ and $L_3$, of the planar circular Restricted Three--Body Problem (RTBP). We describe the method used that allows to follow individual families of homoclinic connections by numerical continuation of a system of (nonlinear) equations that has as unknowns the initial condition of the p.o., the linear approximation of its stable and unstable manifolds, and a point in a given Poincaré section in which the unstable and stable manifolds match. For the $L_3$ case, some comments are made on the geometry of the manifold tubes and the possibility of obtaining trajectories with prescribed itineraries.