TITLE: Non-smooth pitchfork bifurcations in a quasi-periodically forced piecewise-linear map AUTHORS: Angel Jorba^(1,2), Joan Carles Tatjer^(1) and Yuan Zhang^(3) (1) Departament de Matematiques i Informatica, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain. (2) Centre de Recerca Matematica, Edifici C, Campus Bellaterra, 08193 Bellaterra, Spain (3) Complex Systems Research Center, Shanxi University, China. ABSTRACT: We study a class of one-dimensional family of quasiperiodically forced maps $F_{a,b}(x,\theta)=(f_{a,b}(x,\theta),\theta+\omega)$, where $x$ is real, $\theta$ is an angle, and $\omega$ is an irrational frequency, such that $f_{a,b}(x,\theta)$ is a real piecewise linear map with respect to $x$ of certain kind. The family depends on two real parameters, $a>0$ and $b>0$. For this family, we prove the existence of non-smooth pitchfork bifurcations. For $a<1$ and any $b$ there is only a continuous invariant curve. For $a>1$ there exists a smooth map $b=b_0(a)$ such that: a) For $bb_0(a)$ it has one continuous attracting invariant curve. The case $a=1$ is a degenerate case that is also discussed in the paper. It is interesting to note that this family is a simplified version of the smooth family $G_{a,b}(x,\theta)=(\arctan(ax)+b\sin(\theta),\theta+\omega)$ for which there is numerical evidence of a non-smooth pitchfork bifurcation. Finally, we also discuss the limit case when $a\rightarrow\infty$.