i-Math DocCourse:
Computational Methods in Dynamical Systems
and Applications

Institut de Matemàtiques de la Universitat de Barcelona
September 27 to December 22, 2010

The DocCourse is an advanced training activity aimed at young researchers. It is one among others of the formation activities organised by the Spanish network DANCE. This activity is a joint project by i-Math and IMUB that spans three months during the third trimester of 2010. During this period, the participants will attend to 8 intensive courses and several thematic seminars. They will also undertake a research project under the supervision of experts in the field.

The course aims to give an advanced formation and introduction to research topics to PhD students in Dynamics Systems and related fields, that can lead eventually to a PhD thesis. See also this foreword.

The DocCourse combines three kind of activities:

There is a limited number of grants for young researchers. They include lodging for the whole period (3 months) plus a monthly stipend for living expenses. Moreover, there are a few partial grants to only attend the courses. As a general rule, we do not cover travelling expenses. The deadline for the preregistration is April 5th.

The registration fee is 120 euros. To attend you must preregister before April 5th. The attendance is limited.
For further information, e-mail us to

Organizing Committee:
Ariadna Farrés (University of Barcelona)
Joaquim Font (University of Barcelona)
Àngel Jorba (Chair, University of Barcelona)
Joan Carles Tatjer (University of Barcelona)
Jaume Timoneda (University of Barcelona)
Arturo Vieiro (University of Barcelona)

DANCE Coordinators:
Àngel Jorba (University of Barcelona)
Carmen Núñez (University of Valladolid)

Institut de Matemàtica 
Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes 585,
08007 Barcelona, Spain
Phone: (+34) 93 402 13 85
Fax:  (+34) 93 403 59 63

Last modified: Feb 15, 2010