Foreword to the i-Math DocCourse
Methods in Dynamical Systems and Applications
Carles Simó
Some items to take into account when
studying a model
- Formulation of the model, how faithful it is, check against
experimental data (not only numerical). Iterate on formulation and
- Detect symmetries, groups acting on the system, scaling, changes
of variables.
- Basic invariant objects: fixed points, periodic solutions,
invariant tori, dependence on parameters, continuation, bifurcations,
unfolding. Also topological constraints.
- Centre/stable/unstable manifolds, homo/heteroclinic connections,
chaotic dynamics. Prediction vs ``partial prediction''. Attention to
regularity and formal aspects, bounds on errors. Perturbative vs
``beyond the perturbative'' domains.
- Dynamical/statistical indicators. Meaning and interpretation.
Invariant measures.
- Numerics and symbolics to check/suggest analytic studies. The
``experimental'' part of maths. Precision, error propagation,
complexity, efficiency. Graphic tools. Interpretation of results.
The aim of the courses is to provide
you with the background and
methodology to study the previous items for both discrete and continuous systems,
conservative or dissipative, mainly in the finite-dimensional case, despite some of
them, with suitable modifications, can be successfully used for
infinite-dimensional models.
Going back near 120 years, when people realized that most of the problems in dynamics cannot be
solved explicitly but some particular solutions, like the periodic solutions,
can be extremely valuable to
give a hint on the dynamics, we can recall a well-known
sentence of Poincaré:
ce qui nous rends ces solutions
périodiques si précieuses, c'est qu'elles
sont, pour ainsi dire, la seule brèche par où nous
puissions essayer de pénétrer dans une place jusqu'ici
réputée inabordable
(from the end of paragraph 36 of the first volume of his Méthodes nouvelles de la Mécanique
Céleste, 1892), that is:
what makes
these periodic solutions so precious is that they are, so to say, the
only breach through which we can try to penetrate into a region
reputed, up to now, to be unapproachable
Now, already in the XXI century, the
words of Poincaré
still apply to give valuable information. But the sentence has to be updated. We can say, concerning
conservative systems:
stability properties of these orbits play a key role. In the linearly
stable case we can expect to have nearby KAM tori. In
the unstable
case what we have are the invariant manifolds, stable/unstable, of the
centre manifold of the periodic orbit. They also play a key role. The
splitting properties of these manifolds, the existence of
homo/heteroclinic connections between different invariant
objects, gives the way to organize globally the orbits in the phase
space. Poincar\'e itself was aware of the role of splitting and
homoclinic phenomena.
Furthermore, the same ideas can be
applied to conservative and
dissipative systems, continuous or discrete, finite or infinite
dimensional. And it is fully
relevant to consider all the elements of the ``skeleton'' of the dynamics (fixed
points, periodic and quasi-periodic solutions, invariant manifolds and their
relative position as depending on parameters. It is not just the phase space
E what is relevant, but the product of phase
and parameter spaces E x P. This gives the framework to
analyze bifurcations and
unfold degenerate cases.