Advanced Course on Numerical Linear Algebra

Barcelona, July 2-6, 2007

There is a large class of problems, of different origin, whose numerical treatment ends up in a problem of numerical linear algebra. Typical examples come from Partial Differential Equations, optimization problems and the treatment of large sets of data. The school is aimed at researchers (mathematicians, physicists, engineers, etc) whose field of research is not Numerical Linear Algebra, but due to their need of doing medium and large scale computations, they would benefit from an up-to-date knowledge of the existing NLA resources.

The lecturers of the courses are Julien Langou (University of Colorado), David Silvester (University of Manchester) and Danny C. Sorensen (Rice University).

The course will take place at Room B2, located at the ground level of the Court of Sciences (Pati de Ciencies), in the right part of the historical building of the Universitat de Barcelona (the address is at the end of this page). We will provide wifi access for the participants.

How to arrive


J. Langou: Survey and description of the most useful packages/libraries available for Numerical Linear Algebra

D. Silvester: Fast solvers for elliptic PDEs

D.C. Sorensen: General overview of Numerical Linear Algebra



To attend you must preregister first. To do it, click here.  As the attendance is limited, the preregistration will be closed when the course is full.


The registration fee is of 50€ for researchers belonging to the Consolider project i-MATH, and 100€ for other researchers. Details will be e-mailed to preregistered participants.


There are some grants to help with the local expenses to young students. If you are interested, mark the appropriate box when preregistering, send your CV (in pdf format) to the address nla07<at>, and ask a senior researcher to e-mail a support letter to the same address, including the phone of the supporter.

Note that finantial help will be granted with the following order of priority: young researchers belonging to teams included in i-MATH, other researchers belonging to these teams, other spanish participants, non-spanish participants.

The deadline to ask for a grant is May 18. Granted students will be notified by e-mail on May 25.


If you need help with the accomodation, please contact the organizers at nla07<at>


The organizers are Bosco Garcia-Archilla (U. Sevilla), Àngel Jorba (U. Barcelona) and Joan Sánchez-Umbria (U. Politècnica de Catalunya), with the collaboration of Ariadna Farrés, Joaquim Font, Montse Navarro, Pau Rabassa, Carles Simó, Jaume Timoneda and Arturo Vieiro.

For more information, you can write to the address nla07<at> (this address is not clickable, you should type it in your e-mail program; this has been done to minimize the amount of spam we receive).


The course is supported by i-MATH (Consolider project from the Spanish Minsitry of Education and Science), IMUB and the research teams on Dynamical Systems of the UB.

Ingenio - Mathematica
MEC - CI 2010

Institut de Matemàtica 
Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes 585,
08007 Barcelona, Spain
Phone: (+34) 93 402 13 85
Fax:  (+34) 93 403 59 63

Last modified: June 28, 2007