Workshop on
Stability and Instability in Mechanical Systems:
Applications and Numerical Tools
Institut de
Matematiques de la Universitat de
December 1 to 5, 2008
The talks will take place in room B3 of the "Facultat de
Matemàtiques", in the historical building of the university. It
is located on the ground level, in the Science Court. If you enter the
historical building from the street "Gran Via" (where the main door
is), the Science Court is at the right side.
- Roberto Barrio (U. Zaragoza)
- Luis Benet (UNAM)
- Luca Biasco (Roma 3)
- Sergei Bolotin (Madison)
- Florentino Borondo (U. Autónoma de Madrid)
- Maciej Capiński (AGH Univ. of Science and Technology)
- Fernando Casas (U. Jaume I)
- Cristel Chandre (Marseille)
- Ariadna Farrés (U. de Barcelona)
- Phillip Holmes (Princeton)
- Charles Jaffé (West Virginia)
- Àngel Jorba (U. de Barcelona)
- Ugo Locatelli (Roma 2)
- Jean Pierre Marco (U. Pierre et Marie Curie)
- Josep Masdemont (U. Politècnica de Catalunya)
- Paul Milewski (Madison)
- Josep-Maria Mondelo (U. Autònoma de Barcelona)
- Arturo Olvera (UNAM)
- Hinke Osinga (Bristol)
- Rytis Paskauskas (Trieste)
- Jesús Pelaez (U. Politécnica de Madrid)
- Ettore Perozzi (Telespazio)
- Dolors Puigjaner (U. Rovira i Virgili)
- Clark Robinson (Northwestern)
- Philippe Robutel (Observatoire de Paris)
- Pau Roldán (U. Politècnica de Catalunya)
- Mercè Romero (U. de Barcelona)
- Shane Ross (Virginia Tech)
- Eli Shlizerman (Weizmann Institute of Science)
- Carles Simó (U. de Barcelona)
- Arturo Vieiro (U. de Barcelona)
- Piotr Zgliczynski (Jagiellonian University)
Slides used in the presentations
List of participants
Scientific Committe
- Gerard Gómez (U. Barcelona)
- Àngel Jorba (U. Barcelona)
- Vadim Kaloshin (Penn State)
- Josep Masdemont (U. Politècnica de Catalunya)
- Carles Simó (U. Barcelona)
- Turgay Uzer (Georgia Tech)
Organizing Committee
- Joaquim Font (Universitat de Barcelona)
- Gerard Gómez (Universitat de Barcelona)
- Àngel Jorba (Universitat de Barcelona), Chair
- Josep Masdemont (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)
Local Organizing Committee
- Elisa M. Alessi
- Ruben Berenguel
- Jordi-Lluis Figueras
- Montse Navarro
- Eva-Marina Pérez
- Pau Rabassa
How to arrive
To register for the workshop send a message to wsims08 at The
following information has to be included:
Affiliation (Department, University, Country, etc):
Domain of interest:
e-mail, phone:
Deadline for inscriptions: November 3, 2008.
Participants in need of room for the stay should take care of this
by themselves.
The file residencies.html provides a
list of suggestions. The most
convenient place, concerning distance to the Institut de Matematiques
de la Universitat de Barcelona is the Residencia d'Investigadors,
located at the Carrer de l'Hospital, 64, at 10 minutes walking from
Several other residences are very well communicated by underground.
The workshop is coorganized by IMUB
and CRM (research
programme on Stability
and Instability in Mechanical Systems), with the support of
and the research teams on Dynamical Systems of UAB, UB and UPC.
Institut de
Matemàtica |
Gran Via de les Corts
Catalanes 585, |
08007 Barcelona, Spain |
Phone: (+34) 93
402 13 85 |
Fax: (+34)
93 403 59 63 |
Last modified:
Nov 28, 2008