Past activities:
From 2000 to 2014, editor and publisher of the
Mathematical Physics Electronic
Journal (MPEJ). This was a refereed, completely electronic
journal, on Mathematical Physics. Anybody with access to the Internet
can access the full journal or just the abstracts for free.
Organizer of i-Math DocCourse: Computational Methods in Dynamical
Systems and Applications, IMUB, Barcelona, September 27 to December
22, 2010.
- Organizer of a Workshop on Stability and Instability in
Mechanical Systems: Applications and Numerical Tools, IMUB, Barcelona,
December 1-5, 2008.
- Organizer of an Advanced Course on Specific Algebraic
Manipulators, IMUB, Barcelona, September 12-15, 2007.
- Organizer of an Advanced Course on Long Time Integrations, IMUB,
Barcelona, September 3-7, 2007.
- Organizer of an Advanced Course on Numerical Linear Algebra,
IMUB, Barcelona, July 2-6, 2007.
Organizer of a Workshop on Patterns: Models and Applications, IMUB,
Barcelona, November 19-20, 2007.
Organizer of a Workshop on
Strange Nonchaotic Attractors, Barcelona, March 27-29, 2006.
Jornada sobre Matemáticas y Análisis de Misiones
Espaciales, Barcelona, 7 de Junio de 2005.
Organizer of the Summer School
Nonlinear Phenomena in
Computational Chemical Physics, to be held in Barcelona, June
9-14, 2003.
- Chairman of the Departament de
Matemàtica Aplicada i Anàlisi, in the
Universitat de Barcelona, from
Feb. 1998 to March 2001.
- Collaborator in the organization of the 3rd European Congress of
Mathematics, held in Barcelona, Jul 10-14, 2000.
Vice-chairman of the
Departament de Matemática Aplicada I, in the
Universitat Politècnica de
Catalunya, from Nov 1, 1994 until Feb 28, 1997.
Member of the organizing comitte of the XIV
CEDYA / IV CMA. (1995).
Jointly with G. Gómez, J. Masdemont and C. Simó, I've
been involved in two research projects with the European Space Agency
(from 1990 till 1993). The two final reports for these projects were
classified until very recently, and now they have been reprinted by
World Scientific (see the books