Preprints 2001

  1. A restricted four-body model for the dynamics near the Lagrangian points of the Sun-Jupiter system
    Frederic Gabern and Àngel Jorba.
    Abstract (ASCII file), gzipped PostScript (1178 Kb), zipped version (1179 Kb), PostScript+additional files (tar+gzip, 1209 Kb).

  2. Global Dynamics and Fast Indicators
    Carles Simó.
    To appear in Global Analysis of Dynamical Systems, edited by Henk W. Broer, Bernd Krauskopf and Gert Vegter, IOP.
    Abstract (ASCII file), gzipped PostScript (2240 Kb), zipped version (2244 Kb).

  3. Periodic orbits of the planar N-body problem with equal masses and all bodies on the same path
    Carles Simó.
    Abstract (ASCII file), gzipped PostScript (149 Kb), zipped version (150 Kb).

  4. Consecutive quasi-collisions in the planar circular RTBP
    Joaquim Font, Ana Nunes and Carles Simó.
    Abstract (ASCII file), gzipped PostScript (340 Kb), zipped version (348 Kb).

  5. Analytical and numerical detection of exponentially small phenomena
    Carles Simó.
    Abstract (ASCII file), gzipped PostScript (84 Kb), zipped version (84 Kb).

  6. On the divergence of polynomial interpolation
    Àngel Jorba and Joan Carles Tatjer.
    Abstract (ASCII file), gzipped PostScript (156 Kb), zipped version (156 Kb).

  7. Dynamical properties of the figure eight solution of the three-body problem
    Carles Simó.
    Abstract (ASCII file), gzipped PostScript (1648 Kb), zipped version (1612 Kb).

  8. An algorithm to generate canonical transformations: application to normal forms
    Àlex Haro.
    Abstract (ASCII file), gzipped PostScript (1988 Kb), zipped version (2032 Kb).

  9. The Dynamics Around the Collinear Equilibrium Points of the RTBP
    Gerard Gómez and Josep Maria Mondelo.
    Appeared in Physica D 157 (2001) 283-321.
    Abstract (ASCII file), gzipped PostScript (1452 Kb), zipped version (1508 Kb).

  10. Dynamics and Mission Design Near Libration Points - Volume I: Fundamentals: The Case of Collinear Libration Points.
    Gerard Gómez, Jaume Llibre, Regina Martínez, Carles Simó.
    World Scientific Monograph Series in Mathematics, Vol. 2. (2001), ISBN 981-02-4285-9.

  11. Dynamics and Mission Design Near Libration Points - Volume II: Fundamentals: The Case of Triangular Libration Points.
    Gerard Gómez, Jaume Llibre, Regina Martínez, Carles Simó.
    World Scientific Monograph Series in Mathematics, Vol. 3. (2001), ISBN 981-02-4274-3.

  12. Dynamics and Mission Design Near Libration Points - Volume III: Advanced Methods for Collinear Points.
    Gerard Gómez, Àngel Jorba, Josep Masdemont, Carles Simó.
    World Scientific Monograph Series in Mathematics, Vol. 4. (2001), ISBN 981-02-4211-5.

  13. Dynamics and Mission Design Near Libration Points - Volume IV: Advanced Methods for Triangular Points.
    Gerard Gómez, Àngel Jorba, Josep Masdemont, Carles Simó.
    World Scientific Monograph Series in Mathematics, Vol. 5. (2001), ISBN 981-02-4210-7.

  14. Invariant Manifolds, The Spatial Three-Body Problem and Space Mission Design
    Gerard Gómez, Wang-Sang Koon, Martin W. Lo, Jerrold E. Marsden, Josep Masdemont, Shane D. Ross.
    Abstract (ASCII file), gzipped PostScript (2820 Kb), zipped version (2844 Kb).

  15. Unstable quasi-periodic solutions for the 2-D Poiseuille problem
    Pablo S. Casas and Àngel Jorba.
    Actas del XVII CEDYA / VII CMA, Universidad de Salamanca (2001).
    Abstract (ASCII file), gzipped PostScript (2136 Kb), zipped version (2364 Kb).

  16. Study of bifurcations and stability in Rayleigh-Bénard convection
    Dolors Puigjaner, Carles Simó, Francesc Giralt.
    Abstract (ASCII file), gzipped PostScript (76 Kb), zipped version (76 Kb).

  17. Stability analysis of the flow in a cubical cavity heated from below
    Dolors Puigjaner, Carles Simó, Francesc Xavier Grau and Francesc Giralt.
    Abstract (ASCII file), gzipped PostScript (336 Kb), zipped version (340 Kb).

  18. Simulation of Formation Flight Near L2 for the TPF Mission
    Gerard Gómez, Martin W. Lo, Josep Masdemont, Ken Museth.
    Abstract (ASCII file), gzipped PostScript (1108 Kb), zipped version (1112 Kb).

  19. Com entendre el comportament no predictible dels sistemes deterministes
    Carles Simó.
    Aparegut a Ordre i caos en ecologia, coordinat per Jordi Flos, pp 19-54,
    Publicacions de la Universitat de Barcelona, 1995, ISBN: B:84-475-1104-9.
    Abstract (ASCII file), gzipped PostScript (1416 Kb), zipped version (1324 Kb).

  20. Dynamics in the center manifold around L2 in the Quasi-bicircular problem
    Miquel Àngel Andreu.
    To appear in Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy.
    Abstract (ASCII file), gzipped PostScript (512 Kb), zipped version (508 Kb).

  21. Bifurcations and strange attractors in the Lorenz-84 climate model with seasonal forcing
    Henk Broer, Carles Simó and Renato Vitolo.
    Abstract (ASCII file), gzipped PostScript (6576 Kb), zipped version (6704 Kb).

  22. The parametrically forced pendulum: a case study in one and one half degrees of freedom
    H.W. Broer, I. Hoveijn, M. van Noort, Carles Simó and G. Vegter.
    Abstract (ASCII file), gzipped PostScript (10116 Kb), zipped version (10252 Kb).

  23. Contribution to the study of invariant manifolds and the splitting of separatrices of parabolic points (PhD thesis)
    Inma Baldomá.
    Abstract (ASCII file), gzipped PostScript (1428 Kb), zipped version (1448 Kb).

  24. Sobre los puntos Lagrangianos del sistema Sol-Júpiter
    Frederic Gabern and Àngel Jorba.
    Actas del XVII CEDYA / VII CMA, Universidad de Salamanca (2001).
    Abstract (ASCII file), gzipped PostScript (80 Kb), zipped version (80 Kb).

  25. KAM Theory Without Action-Angle Coordinates
    Alejandra González, Àngel Jorba, Rafael de la Llave and Jordi Villanueva.
    Actas del XVII CEDYA / VII CMA, Universidad de Salamanca (2001).
    Abstract (ASCII file), gzipped PostScript (76 Kb), zipped version (76 Kb).

  26. A software package for the numerical integration of ODE by means of high-order Taylor methods
    Àngel Jorba and Maorong Zou.
    Abstract (ASCII file), gzipped PostScript (176 Kb), zipped version (176 Kb), software.
    (see 2004 for a revised version)

  27. Spatial p-q resonant orbits of the RTBP
    Esther Barrabés and Gerard Gómez.
    To appear in Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy.
    Abstract (ASCII file), gzipped PostScript (160 Kb), zipped version (164 Kb).

  28. Os novos observatorios espaciais
    Gerard Gómez and T.J.Stuchi.
    Appeared in Ciência Hoje, 177 Novembro 2001.
    Abstract (ASCII file), Pdf (464 Kb),

  29. Arnold diffusion: an overview through Dynamical Astronomy
    Pablo M. Cincotta.
    Abstract (ASCII file), gzipped PostScript (2872 Kb), zipped version (2872 Kb).

  30. On the centre manifold of collinear points in the planar three body problem
    Regina Martínez and Anna Samà.
    Abstract (ASCII file), gzipped PostScript (428 Kb), zipped version (420 Kb).

  31. Hopf bifurcations to quasi-periodic solutions for the two-dimensional Poiseuille flow
    Pablo S. Casas and Àngel Jorba.
    Abstract (ASCII file), gzipped PostScript (584 Kb), zipped version (620 Kb).

  32. Refined Fourier analysis: procedures, error estimates and applications
    Gerard Gómez, Josep Maria Mondelo and Carles Simó.
    Abstract (ASCII file), gzipped PostScript (1128 Kb), zipped version (1152 Kb).

  33. Contribution to the Study of Fourier Methods for Quasi-Periodic Functions and the Vicintiy of the Collinear Libration Points (PhD thesis)
    Josep Maria Mondelo.
    Abstract (ASCII file), Pdf (5549 Kb), zipped Pdf (4848 Kb).

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Last updated: Fri Apr 26 17:28:29 MEST 2002