Preprints 2006
- Old and new results on SNAs on the real line
Àngel Jorba,
Carmen Núñez,
Rafael Obaya, Joan Carles Tatjer
Abstract (ASCII file),
PDF version (494 KB).
(May 2006)
- Slides of the talk Boundaries of Stability, given at U. de Barcelona
(Jun 3, 2006)
Carles Simó
Abstract (ASCII file),
Gzipped PS version (23 MB).
(June 2006)
- The resonant structure of Jupiter's Trojan asteroids I: Long term
stability and diffusion
P. Robutel,
F. Gabern
Abstract (ASCII file),
PDF version (14 MB).
(June 2006)
- Invariant manifolds of L3 and horseshoe motion in the
restricted three-body problem
E. Barrabés, M. Ollé
Abstract (ASCII file),
PDF version (2.6 MB).
(July 2006)
- Hip-Hop solutions of the 2N-body problem.
E. Barrabés, J.M. Cors, C. Pinyol, J. Soler
Abstract (ASCII file),
PDF version (197 KB).
(July 2006)
- Equilibrium Configurations of the Four-Body Tethered System
A.A. Correa and G. Gómez
Appeared in Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics 29 (6) 1430-1435, 2006.
Abstract (ASCII file),
PDF version (173 KB).
- A Note on Weak Stability Boundaries
F. García and G. Gómez
To appear in Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy 2006.
Abstract (ASCII file),
PDF version (505 KB).
- High Order Analytical Solutions of Hill's Equations
G. Gómez and M. Marcote
Appeared in Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy 4 (2) 193-207, 2006.
Abstract (ASCII file),
PDF version (797 KB).
- Dynamical Systems Approach to the Design of the Science Orbit Around Europa
G. Gómez, M. Lara and R. Russell
ISTS 2006-d-02 paper, 25th ISTS Conference. Space Exploration for a Peaceful Planet Earth, Kanazawa (Japan), 2006.
Abstract (ASCII file),
PDF version (834 KB).
- Numerical experiences with Taylor methods
C. Simó
Talk given at the Geometric Integration Conference
Universitat Jaume I, Castelló, 0609220930
Abstract (ASCII file),
Gzipped PostScript version (9 MB).
- Entropy estimates for a family of expanding maps of the circle
R. de la Llave, M. Shub and C. Simó
Abstract (ASCII file),
Gzipped PostScript version (344 KB).
- High-precision computations of divergent asymptotic series and
homoclinic phenomena
V. Gelfreich and C. Simó
Abstract (ASCII file),
Gzipped PostScript version (487 KB).
- Integrability of Hamiltonian Systems and Differential Galois Groups of
Higher Variational Equations
J. J. Morales-Ruiz, J-P. Ramis and C. Simó
Abstract (ASCII file),
PostScript version (1.4 MB).
- Periodic orbits and stability islands in chaotic seas created by
separatrix crossings in slow-fast systems
A.Neishtadt, C. Simó, D. Treschev and A. Vasiliev
Abstract (ASCII file),
Gzipped PostScript version (4.8 MB).
- Stability islands in domains of separatrix crossings in slow-fast
Hamiltonian systems
A.Neishtadt, C. Simó, D. Treschev and A. Vasiliev
Abstract (ASCII file),
Gzipped PostScript version (159 KB).
- Krylov methods and determinants for detecting bifurcations in one
parameter dependent partial differential equations
B. García-Archilla, J. Sánchez and C. Simó
Abstract (ASCII file),
Gzipped PostScript version (302 KB).
- Stability islands in the vicinity of separatrices of near-integrable
symplectic maps
C. Simó and D. Treschev
Abstract (ASCII file),
Gzipped PostScript version (3.1 MB).
- A personal view on Dynamical Systems
C. Simó
Note written for The Mathematical Intelligencer issue corresponding to the
ICM held in Madrid, 2006
Abstract (ASCII file),
Gzipped PostScript version (1.6 MB).
- Computer assisted proofs for non-symmetric planar choreographies
and for stability of the Eight
T. Kapela and C. Simó
Abstract (ASCII file),
Gzipped PostScript version (189 KB).
- Bifurcation analysis of steady Rayleigh-Bénard convection in a
cubical cavity with conducting sidewalls
D. Puigjaner, J. Herrero, C. Simó and F. Giralt
Abstract (ASCII file),
Gzipped PostScript version (3.9 MB).
- Deformation of entire functions with Baker domains --
version 2 (shortened, more generality)
N. Fagella and C. Henriksen
Appeared in Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 15, 379-394, 2006
Abstract (ASCII file),
PDF version (325 KB).
- Arnold Disks and the Moduli of Herman Rings of the Complex Standard
N. Fagella and C. Henriksen
Appeared in Dynamics on the Riemann Sphere. A Bodil Branner Festschrift,
Ed. P. Hjorth and C. Petersen. European Mathematical Society, 2006.
Abstract (ASCII file),
PDF version (1.4 MB).
- The Parameter Planes of $\lambda z^m \exp(z)$ for $m\geq 2$
N. Fagella and A. Garijo
To appear in Communications in Mathematical Physics..
Abstract (ASCII file),
PDF version (677 KB).
- Connectivity of Julia sets of transcendental meromorphic maps
N. Fagella, X. Jarque and J. Taixés
Abstract (ASCII file),
PDF version (455 KB).
- The inner equation for one and a half degrees of freedom rapidly forced Hamiltonian systems
I. Baldomà
Abstract (ASCII file),
PDF version (343 KB).
- Breakdown of Heteroclinic Orbits for Some Analytic Unfoldings of the Hopf-Zero Singularity
I. Baldomà and T.M. Seara
Abstract (ASCII file),
PDF version (392 KB).
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Last updated: Tue Jun 22 11:50:11 CEST 2010