Preprints 2018
Road Map to L4/L5 with a solar sail
Ariadna Farrés,
Jeannette Heiligers, Narcís Miguel
Abstract (ASCII file),
PDF version (11 MB).
(Jan 2018)
High fidelity modeling of SRP and its effect on the relative motion of Starshade and WFIRST
Ariadna Farrés,
Dave Folta, Cassandra Webster
Abstract (ASCII file),
PDF version (2.4 MB).
(Jan 2018)
Classification of linear skew-products of the complex plane
and an affine route of fractalization
Núria Fagella,
Àngel Jorba,
Marc Jorba-Cuscó, Joan Carles Tatjer
Abstract (ASCII file),
PDF version (1.7 MB).
(Nov 2018)
This is a revised version of the preprint
"A fractalization route for affine skew-products on the complex plane"
(Feb 2018).
On the effect of time lags on a saddle-node remnant
in hyperbolic replicators
Joan Gimeno,
Àngel Jorba,
Josep Sardanyes
Abstract (ASCII file),
PDF version (872 KB).
(May 2018)
Two periodic models for the Earth-Moon system
Marc Jorba-Cuscó,
Ariadna Farrés,
Àngel Jorba
Abstract (ASCII file),
PDF version (1.5 MB).
(Jun 2018)
Solar Sail resonant periodic orbits in the augmented Earth-Moon
Quasi-Bicircular Problem
Marc Jorba-Cuscó,
Ariadna Farrés,
Àngel Jorba
69th International Astronautical Congress 2018, Bremen, Germany
Abstract (ASCII file),
PDF version (4 MB).
(Oct 2018)
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Last updated: Mon May 6 12:25:50 2019