Preprints 2021

  1. Using invariant manifolds to capture an asteroid near the L3 point of the Earth-Moon Bicircular model
    Àngel Jorba, Begoña Nicolás
    Abstract (ASCII file), PDF version (4.2 MB). (Apr 2021)

  2. Transfers from the Earth to L2 Halo orbits in the Earth-Moon Bicircular Problem
    José J. Rosales, Àngel Jorba, Marc Jorba-Cuscó
    Abstract (ASCII file), PDF version (2.2 MB). (Apr 2021)

  3. Dynamical organization of recollisions by a family of invariant tori
    Jonathan Dubois, Marc Jorba-Cusco, Àngel Jorba, Cristel Chandre.
    Abstract (ASCII file), PDF version (2.8 MB). (Mar 2021)

  4. Dynamics of the QR-flow for upper Hessenberg real matrices
    Joan Carles Tatjer, Arturo Vieiro
    Abstract (ASCII file), PDF version (0.15 MB). (Mar 2021)

  5. Using normal forms to study Oterma's transition in the Planar RTBP
    Gladston Duarte, Àngel Jorba
    Abstract (ASCII file), PDF version (0.6 MB). (Sep 2021)

  6. Triggering recollisions with XUV pulses: Imprint of recolliding periodic orbits
    Jonathan Dubois, Àngel Jorba
    Abstract (ASCII file), PDF version (3.4 MB). (Nov 2021)

  7. Numerical computation of high-order expansions of invariant manifolds of high-dimensional tori
    Joan Gimeno, Àngel Jorba, Begoña Nicolás, Estrella Olmedo
    Abstract (ASCII file), PDF version (0.42 MB). (Nov 2021)

  8. Computational methods in perturbation theory
    Àngel Jorba
    Abstract (ASCII file), PDF version (0.15 MB). (Dec 2021)

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Last updated: Wed Feb 1 01:52:09 2023