Currently, we attend seminars at IIIASeminars were usually located at the "altell del pati de Metemàtiques"
Some previous seminars:
- Lecturer: Jesus Cerquides, Title: "Xarxes de sensors i teoria de la decisió distribuïda", Date: March 3rd 2008.
- Lecturer: Maria Salamó, Title: "Feature Selection based on Rough Sets for Case-Based Reasoning", Date: January 28th 2008.
- Lecturer: Carles Franquesa, Title: "Clustered Prize-collecting Arc Routing Problem", Date: January 14th 2008
- Lecturer: Benjamin Auffarth, Title: "Feature Selection Methods in classification of biomedical high-resolution CT images", Date: December 17th 2007
- Lecturer: Benjamin Auffarth and Maite López, Title: "System for Automated Support of Correction of Programming Exercices", Date: December 3rd 2007
- Lecturer: Oriol Pujol, Title: "Graph Machines", Date: June the 18th 2007
- Lecturer: Sergio Escalera, Title: "Multi-class Categorization of Object Classes (parts I and II)", Date: May the 7th and 28th 2007
- Lecturer: Inmaculada Rodriguez, Title: "Evaluating the influence of induced passive torques in the simulation of time-varying human poses", Date: March 13th 2007
- Lecturer: Anna Puig, Title: "Xerrada Taller sobre visualització 3D de dades científiques", Date: January 23rd, 2007, Location: Facultat de Matemàtiques
- Lecturer: Ignasi Labastida , Title:"Programari Lliure: La i llicències Creative Commons", Date: April 21st, 2006
- Lecturer: Jordi Campos, Title:"Skeletons on Volume Visualization", Date: March 31st, 2006
- Lecturer: Ernest Pons, Title:"ICE (Institut Ciències de l'Educació) Course about the EEES (Espai Europeu d'Estudis Superiors).", Date: March 27, 2006
- Lecturer: Santi Ontañon, Title:"Multiclassifier methods", Date: June 14th, 2005
- Lecturer: Eloi Puertas, Title:"Case Based Reasoning", Date: Februeary 14th, 2005
Seminars are usually located at the "altell del pati de Metemàtiques"