Below you will find some public domain software, related to Dynamical
Systems. If you have any suggestion (or bug report!), I'll be glad to
hear about it.
Taylor (version 2) has been released. It is an Ordinary Differential
Equation (ODE) solver generator. It reads a system of ODEs and outputs
an ANSI C routine that performs a single step of numerical integration
using the Taylor method. To access it,
click here.
The old version is still available:
A software package for the numerical integration of ODE by
means of high-order Taylor methods (version 1.4, Jan 2004)
Àngel Jorba and
Maorong Zou.
Abstract (ASCII file),
gzipped PostScript (380 Kb),
zipped version (380 Kb),
PDF (1.3 Mb).
SOFTWARE (the last
version is Taylor-1.4.4, released on April 2008).
- A Methodology for the Numerical Computation of Normal Forms, Centre
Manifolds and First Integrals of Hamiltonian Systems
Àngel Jorba
Experimental Mathematics 8, pp. 155-195 (1999).
This is the preprint version:
Abstract (ASCII file),
gzipped PostScript (390 Kb),
zipped PostScript (384 Kb),
PostScript+updated software (jun 1, 2008)
(tar+gzip, 459 Kb).