Preprints 1999

  1. Reducible linear quasi-periodic systems with positive Lyapunov exponent and varying rotation number
    H.W. Broer, C. Simó
    Abstract (ASCII file), gzipped PostScript (38 KB), zipped version (39 KB)

  2. Three dimensional dissipative diffeomorphisms with homoclinic tangencies
    Joan Carles Tatjer
    Accepted for publication in Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems.
    Abstract (ASCII file), gzipped PostScript (168 KB), zipped version (169 KB)

  3. On the vertical families of two-dimensional tori near the triangular points of the Bicircular problem
    Enric Castellà, Àngel Jorba
    Abstract (ASCII file), gzipped PostScript (1754 KB), zipped version (1755 KB)

  4. Estudio de la estabilidad de una familia de toros 2D del Problema Cuasibicircular
    Miquel Àngel Andreu, Carles Simó
    Actas del congreso XVI CEDYA/VI CMA, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Vol. I, pp. 131-138 (1999)
    Abstract (ASCII file), gzipped PostScript (183 KB), zipped version (183 KB)

  5. Numerical study of bifurcations for the 2-D Poiseuille problem
    Pablo S. Casas, Àngel Jorba
    Abstract (ASCII file), gzipped PostScript (201 KB), zipped version (202 KB)

  6. On Practical Stability Regions for the Motion of a Small Particle close to the Equilateral Points of the Real Earth-Moon system
    Àngel Jorba
    Abstract (ASCII file), gzipped PostScript (319 KB), zipped version (320 KB)

  7. Helium-like atom as a classical three-body problem
    T.J. Stuchi, A.C.B. Antunes, M.A. Andreu
    Abstract (ASCII file), gzipped PostScript (1845 KB), zipped version (1847 KB)

  8. Stability analysis of the flow in a cubical cavity heated from below
    D. Puigjaner, C. Simó, F.X. Grau, Francesc Giralt
    Abstract (ASCII file), gzipped PostScript (333 KB), zipped version (334 KB)

  9. Simple tools to study global dynamics in non-axisymmetric galactic potentials -- I
    P. M. Cincotta, C. Simó
    Abstract (ASCII file), gzipped PostScript (2721 KB), zipped version (2723 KB)

  10. The degree of differentiability of the regularization of simultaneous binary collisions in some N-body problems
    Regina Martínez, Carles Simó
    Abstract (ASCII file), gzipped PostScript (111 KB), zipped version (112 KB)

  11. Regularizable and non-regularizable collisions in N-body problems
    Regina Martínez, Carles Simó, Antoni Susín
    Abstract (ASCII file), gzipped PostScript (75 KB), zipped version (76 KB)

  12. A geometric approach to the existence of orbits with unbounded energy in generic periodic perturbations by a potential of generic geodesic flows of T2
    Amadeu Delshams, Rafael de la Llave, Tere M. Seara
    To appear in Comm. Math. Phys.
    Abstract (ASCII file), gzipped PostScript (188 KB), zipped version, (253 KB), LaTeX (253 KB)

  13. KAM theory and a partial justification of Greene's criterion for non-twist maps
    Amadeu Delshams, Rafael de la Llave
    To appear in SIAM J. Math. Anal.
    Abstract (ASCII file), gzipped PostScript (142 KB), zipped version (185 KB), TeX (138 KB)

  14. Splitting potential and Poincaré-Melnikov method for whiskered tori in Hamiltonian System
    Amadeu Delshams, Pere Gutiérrez
    Abstract (ASCII file), gzipped PostScript (174 KB), zipped version, (216 KB), LaTeX, (136 KB)

  15. Splitting and Melnikov potentials in Hamiltonian systems
    Amadeu Delshams, Pere Gutiérrez
    Abstract (ASCII file), gzipped PostScript (103 KB), zipped version (104 KB)

  16. Unbounded growth of energy in periodic perturbations of geodesic flows of the torus
    Amadeu Delshams, Rafael de la Llave, Tere M. Seara
    Abstract (ASCII file), gzipped PostScript (99 KB), zipped version (100 KB)

  17. A formal approximation of the splitting of separatrices in the Classical Arnold's example of diffusion with two equal parameters
    (revised version)

    Carles Simó, Claudia Valls
    Abstract (ASCII file), gzipped PostScript (692 KB), zipped version (704 KB)

  18. A numerical method for computing unstable quasi-periodic solutions for the 2-D Poiseuille flow
    Pablo S. Casas, Àngel Jorba
    Abstract (ASCII file), gzipped PostScript (205 KB), zipped version (206 KB)

  19. Some bifurcations related to homoclinic tangencies for 1-parameter families of symplectic diffeomorphisms
    Joan Carles Tatjer
    Abstract (ASCII file), PDF version (222 KB)

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Last updated: Fri Jul 15 11:54:36 CEST 2016