Preprints 2005

  1. Parking a spacecraft near an asteroid pair.
    F. Gabern, W.S. Koon and J.E. Marsden.
    Abstract (ASCII file), PDF version (1.1 MB). (February 2005)
  2. Theory and Computation of Non-RRKM Lifetime Distributions and Rates in Chemical Systems with Three or More Degrees of Freedom.
    F. Gabern, W.S. Koon, J.E. Marsden and S.D. Ross.
    Abstract (ASCII file), PDF version (1.4 MB). (February 2005)
  3. Chaos and quasi-periodicity in diffeomorphisms of the solid torus
    H. Broer, C. Simó and R. Vitolo.
    Abstract (ASCII file), gzipped PS version (4.2MB). (March 2005)
  4. Quasi-periodic Hénon-like attractors in 3D diffeomorphisms (Submitted to the Proceedings of ENOC 2005)
    H. Broer, C. Simó and R. Vitolo.
    Abstract (ASCII file), gzipped PS version (2.7MB). (March 2005)
  5. Three-dimensional Hénon-like maps and wild Lorenz-like attractors
    S.V. Gonchenko, I.I. Ovsyannikov, C. Simó and D. Turaev.
    Abstract (ASCII file), gzipped PS version (3.4MB). (March 2005)
  6. A nonperturbative Eliasson's reducibility theorem
    J. Puig
    Abstract (ASCII file), PDF version (254 KB) (March 2005)
  7. De la Mecánica Celeste a los Sistemas Dinámicos
    C. Simó
    Abstract (ASCII file), Gzipped PS version (6.2MB) PDF version (24 MB) (March 2005)
  8. Stability diagram for 4D linear periodic systems with applications to homographic solutions
    R. Martínez, A.Samà, C. Simó
    Abstract (ASCII file), Gzipped PS version (437KB) PDF version (1 MB) (May 2005)
  9. Analysis of the stability of a family of singular-limit linear periodic systems in R4. Applications
    R. Martínez, A. Samà, C. Simó
    Abstract (ASCII file), Gzipped PS version (446KB) PDF version (1.1 MB) (May 2005)

  10. A numerical exploration of weakly dissipative two-dimensional maps
    C. Simó, A. Vieiro
    Abstract (ASCII file), Gzipped PS version (838KB) PDF version (2.2 MB) (May 2005)

  11. Integrability of Hamiltonian Systems and Differential Galois Groups of Higher Variational Equations
    J.J. Morales-Ruiz, J.P. Ramis, C. Simó
    Abstract (ASCII file), Gzipped PS version (555KB) PDF version (954KB) (Jun 2005)

  12. A mechanism for the fractalization of invariant curves in quasi-periodically forced 1-D maps
    Àngel Jorba, Joan Carles Tatjer
    Abstract (ASCII file), gzipped PostScript (5.5 MB), PDF version (9.5 MB). (Jun 2005)

  13. A parameterization method for the computation of invariant tori and their whiskers in quasi-periodic maps: numerical implementation and examples.
    Àlex Haro, and Rafael de la Llave.
    Abstract (ASCII file), gzipped PostScript (10 MB). (September 2005)

  14. Strange Nonchaotic Attractors in Harper Maps
    Àlex Haro and Joaquim Puig
    Abstract (ASCII file), PDF version (865 KB) (November 2005)

  15. Algebraic Characterization of Affine Structure on Jet and Weil Bundles
    David Blázquez-Sanz
    Abstract (ASCII file), PDF version (179 KB), gzipped PostScript version (177KB). (November 2005)

  16. Dynamics near homoclinic bifurcations of three-dimensional dissipative diffeomorphisms
    Antonio Pumariño and Joan Carles Tatjer
    Abstract (ASCII file), gzipped PostScript version (5.2 MB). (November 2005)

  17. To be or not to be a SNA: That is the question
    Àlex Haro and Carles Simo
    Abstract (ASCII file), PDF version (5.9 MB). (December 2005)

  18. Cantor spectrum and Kotani eigenstates
    Joaquim Puig
    Abstract (ASCII file), PDF version (790 KB). (December 2005)

  19. Lindstedt-Poincaré Solutions of Clohessy-Wiltshire Equations
    G. Gómez and M. Marcote
    AAS 05-359 paper, AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialists Conference, Lake Tahoe, CA (USA), 2005.
    Abstract (ASCII file), PDF version (2.9 MB).

  20. Natural Configurations and Controlled Motions Suitable for Formation Flying
    G. Gómez , M. Marcote, J.J. Masdemont and J.M. Mondelo
    AAS 05-347 paper, AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialists Conference, Lake Tahoe, CA (USA), 2005.
    Abstract (ASCII file), PDF version (1.2 MB).

  21. Study on the Station Keeping Maintenance for the TPF Mission
    G. Gómez , J.J. Masdemont and M.W. Lo
    AAS 05-424 paper, AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialists Conference, Lake Tahoe, CA (USA), 2005.
    Abstract (ASCII file), PDF version (127 KB).

  22. Trajectory Correction Manoeuvres in the Transfer to Libration Point Orbits
    G. Gómez, M. Marcote and J.J. Masdemont
    Appeared in Acta Astronautica, 56, 652-669, 2005.
    Abstract (ASCII file), PDF version (466 KB).

  23. The Invariant Manifold Structure of the Spatial Hill's Problem
    G. Gómez, M. Marcote and J.M. Mondelo
    Appeared in Dynamical Systems: An International Journal, 20 (1) 115-147, 2005.
    Abstract (ASCII file), PDF version (7.8 MB).

  24. Zero Relative Radial Acceleration Cones and Controlled Motions Suitable for Formation Flying
    G. Gómez, M. Marcote, J.J. Masdemont and J.M. Mondelo
    Appeared in The Journal of the Astronautical Sciences, 53 (4) 413-431, 2005.
    Abstract (ASCII file), PDF version (7.8 MB).

  25. Herman rings and Arnold disks
    N. Fagella, X. Buff, L. Geyer and C. Henriksen
    Appeared in Journal of the LMS , 72 689-716, 2005.
    Abstract (ASCII file), PDF version (639 KB).

  26. Residual Julia sets of rational and transcendental functions
    N. Fagella and P. Dominguez
    To appear in Book in memory of I.N.Baker.
    Abstract (ASCII file), PDF version (375 KB).

  27. Exponentially small splitting of separatrices in a weakly hyperbolic case
    I. Baldomà and E. Fontich
    Abstract (ASCII file), PDF version (371 KB).
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    Last updated: Tue Jun 22 11:44:08 CEST 2010