Roberto Barrio:
Automatic differentiation, chaos indicators and dynamics
Luis Benet:
Structure in narrow planetary rings: the scattering approach
Luca Biasco:
Low-order resonances in weakly dissipative spin-orbit models
Sergei Bolotin: Second species solutions of the 3 body problem
Florentino Borondo:
Homoclinic dynamics and actions in quantum mechanics
Maciej Capiński:
Topological method for the detection of normally hyperbolic invariant manifolds
Fernando Casas:
Splitting methods in geometric numerical integration of differential equations
Cristel Chandre:
Hamiltonian formulation of reduced Vlasov-Maxwell equations. Application to the free electron laser
Ariadna Farrés:
Nonlinear dynamics near equilibrium points for a Solar Sail
Phillip Holmes:
Neuromechanical models of animal locomotion
Charles Jaffé:
Transition states, stability, and correlated dynamics
Àngel Jorba:
Parallel computation of invariant tori
Ugo Locatelli:
On the effective stability in the neighbourhood of a KAM torus
Jean Pierre Marco: A dynamical notion of complexity for integrable Hamiltonian systems
Josep Masdemont:
Dynamical systems tools applied to transfer orbits in spacecraft mission design
Paul Milewski:
Stability of wavepacket solitary waves
Josep-Maria Mondelo:
Numerical Fourier analysis of quasi-periodic functions
Arturo Olvera:
Regularity properties of critical invariant circles of twist maps and their universality
Hinke Osinga: Invariant polygons and resonances in a friction oscillator.
Web page including animations
Rytis Paskauskas:
Dynamical bottlenecks to intramolecular energy flow
Jesús Pelaez:
Dynamics and stability of tethered satellites at Lagrangian points
Ettore Perozzi: Space manifold dynamics: the pragmatic point of view (
Dolors Puigjaner:
Dynamics of particle trajectories in a Rayleigh-Bénard problem
Clark Robinson:
Shadowing orbits for transition chains of invariant tori
Philippe Robutel:
A numerical study of the Trojan dynamics
Pau Roldán:
Arnold's mechanism of diffusion in the spatial circular restricted three-body problem
Mercè Romero:
The formation of spiral arms and rings in barred galaxies from the dynamical systems point of view
Shane Ross:
Dynamical boundaries in a variety of mechanical systems
Eli Shlizerman:
Parabolic resonance: A route to Hamiltonian spatio-temporal chaos
Carles Simó:
Efficient numerical implementation of integrability criteria based on high order variational equations
Arturo Vieiro:
Quantitative global phase space analysis of APM
Piotr Zgliczynski:
Resonance transitions for Oterma comet in the Sun-Jupiter system